Take it to the ExtrêmeTake it to the ExtrêmeTake it to the Extrême


Client: Froneri
Project: Take it to the Extrême

Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2024

Building on the excitement of our initial campaign for Extrême, the 2024 series introduced two new products, emphasizing the pleasure of indulgence. This time, we ventured into unique settings to enrich our storytelling: a laundromat and a nighttime gas station shop, enhancing the uniqueness of each flavor experience. Elevating our cast and locations, we aimed to create even more captivating visuals and invite viewers into immersive stories where ordinary places transform into scenes of extraordinary taste adventures. Through this approach, we've not only introduced a new level of indulgence but also deepened the brand's commitment to turning every bite into an unforgettable journey from the mundane to the magnificent. Following the campaign's success, we installed a pop-up store in the center of Paris, which became a phenomenal success, offering fans an immersive dive into the Extrême universe and bringing the campaign's essence to life in a vivid, unforgettable manner. In addition, we rolled out an eye-catching tram branding in Switzerland, further amplifying the campaign's reach and making a lasting impression.


© Philipp Intlekofer 2024 — All rights reserved.
